Often times, people fail to realize how much of an impact that the language they use can have on other people. In an age of social media, this problem has only worsened. People feel safe behind a screen, be it a phone or computer, and have no issue using offensive slurs/ insensitive phrases because they will never have to deal with the consequences of their action. Very few people I know would have the nerve to come say n*gger to my face, yet I see many that I know feeling very comfortable using it online where they think their actions don’t count. This environment is only cultivated by social media, with people flippantly throwing around words like retarded, f*g, and d*ke, without thinking about the impact their phrases have on others.
Yes, I am sure that people who say these words “don’t mean it” and have no malicious intent, but people need to realize that the words they say and put out into the world have real power. Not only is it a reflection of themselves and the way they choose to interact with the world, but it can also have serious negative consequences for people on the receiving end of the comments. While I believe that the internet can be a good thing, and create safe, welcoming spaces for people who do not feel traditionally accepted by society (ie. queer people, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and those who fall in between the cracks of those categories). That is what makes this internet, pardon my language, assholes, all the worse. They go out of their way to invade safe spaces and create negativity, and for no reason whatsoever. What does someone get from ruining someone’s day? What do you gain by using slurs that you know you shouldn’t be using? Do you feel good about yourself after mouthing the N word or sending it to your friends, even posting it on media? Are you proud that you broke a rule that exists for a reason? Apparently. If you wouldn’t say it in real life for fear of the consequences, don’t say it at all. Your phone shouldn’t be turned into a weapon, but test me enough and I can make it one :)
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