I think we can all come to the general consensus that spoilers suck, and in my opinion should be sent to their own special section of hell. Tell me, please, what sort of sick satisfaction do you get from ruining the ending of something- you absolute sadists. Honestly, I don’t think movie spoilers are that bad, you would have found out in two hours anyway- but someone who spoils the SEASON FINALE of something. J a i l. Maximum security for your crimes against humanity. The worst part is, the occurrences of spoilers have greatly increased with the spread of social media. How quickly informations spreads has drastically changed spoiler culture, and I, for one, am not here for it.
In the past, spoilers were not such a big problem for two reasons. First, people couldn’t just record shows to watch them later, either you saw it or you didn’t, and if you didn’t see it, you relied on trailers in order to gain knowledge of what you missed. Secondly, the more access to social media have, the more spoilers there are. Some people can’t just let people experience things for themselves, but have to tell the whole world what happened. Often times, however, spoilers are not malicious but pop culture jokes that everyone wants to be in on. Take the movie Bird Box. There were a bunch of memes going around soon after the movie came out, spoilers for the movie that made people go and watch it so they wouldn't feel left out. But for movies like Endgame, the story is entirely different. Look at people like my legendary best friend Ethan Bianchi. To avoid spoilers, he chose to stay away from social media all together for, not wanting to risk ruining a movie he was so excited to see.
At the end of the day, the conflict around spoilers is pretty easy to resolve. DO NOt be rude and spoil something on purpose, but some responsibility has to go to people on the receiving end. If it has been a couple weeks since it came out and there are spoilers, you are just going to have to accept that in the age of social media, spoilers are inevitable, be they malicious or humorous. Follow the example of Ethan the Extraordinary, and take some responsibility- working to keep away from media and away from spoilers in the process.
I totally agree with you Eden!! I think people who spoil movies are just seeking negative attention, and I absolutely hate it! Social media unfortunately makes spoilers so much more accessible. People need to stop and think of how they would feel if someone spoiled a movie they were really looking forward to, for them. It used to be an unwritten rule that you just don't spoil a movie, and now people do it all the time, sadly...